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'Fractal' mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot dies

Story on Benoit Mandelbrot, who discovered Fractals. "The concept enabled scientists to measure previously immeasurable objects, including the coastline of the British Isles, the geometry of a lung or a cauliflower."

Category: Big Science


Biofuels: 'bubble-maker' that boosts algae growth

"A bubble-maker that looks like the flux capacitor from the Back to the Future films last night won a £250,000 prize from the Royal Society for its ability to transform the cost and effectiveness of growing algae for biofuel,...

Category: Energy sources


Britain is growing greener at the expense of the rest of the world

"While we comfort ourselves with our conservation and recycling, we pollute other nations through our greed"


How fear of bias dominates the climate change debate

All sides of the climate debate say they want science to be free of bias, yet it is the perspective of campaign groups such as the climate sceptics who frame the debate.

Category: Climate Change


Greenfield sites dropped from list of new nuclear reactors

Two sites in Cumbria appear to have been dropped from the government's list of proposed areas for new reactors.

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 546 to 550 out of 2977